Monday, March 25, 2013


Moving Takahashi from Josh Soskin
An ambitious mover is blindsided when he discovers that one of the pieces of furniture left behind for him is a suicidal daughter with 20 minutes left to live.

Moving Takahashi from Josh Soskin on Vimeo.

Your Lucky Day from Daniel Brown 

A megaball drawing sends a convenience store spiraling out of control.

Your Lucky Day from Daniel Brown on Vimeo.

Parts + Labor from Sean O'Malley


Parts + Labor from Sean O'Malley on Vimeo.

Sony X 陳柏霖首部微電影 Play or Not 篇

導演 張榮吉

快遞 導演 蘇哲賢

Cibo Matto - Sugar Water by Michel Gondry